An In-House Test Laboratory in Ecological Building
One of the core competencies of soniKKs is to develop and implement customer-specific applications. Many of our customers are successfully using products developed individually for them.
In order to be able to realize the development and production of customer-specific applications even better, a new commercial building is currently being built in Dobel. This will mean noticeable optimizations thanks to our own test laboratory and shortened work routes.
The two-storey building will cover approximately 1400 square meters of space. Moreover, options for the future are offered with the 6400 square meters property.
The base plate is already finished, the scaffolding will be put up shortly. The exterior facade can be implemented in March. The new headquarters should be ready for occupancy in summer 2020. Customers and employees can expect an all-round ecological head quarter, built from native, renewable woods.
If you have a question about our company or an enquiry, please feel free to contact us!